
Founded in 1997, Xinjinhui & Pengli Company is the leader of intelligent screen printing machines and energy-saving tunnel ovens in the PCB industry. We are committed to bringing the concept of intelligence and energy saving to the entire PCB industry and building an innovative PCB equipment field. The business covers all parts of the country and is also recognized by well-known foreign companies. At present, most of the top 100 companies in the PCB industry have established friendly partnerships.
We provide customers with the best solutions and services in the field of screen printing and baking, and continue to create value for customers. Persist in continuous innovation and continuous development around customer needs, accumulate and develop, and promote the development and progress of the entire PCB industry.
Xinjinhui Technology & Pengli Industry will continue to reform and innovate, intensively cultivate and strive for perfection as always. Adhere to the business philosophy of "innovation, pragmatism, and value creation". Focus on creating a “l(fā)eader of high-tech and intelligent equipment in the PCB industry”.
Xin Jinhui & Pengli Company
巩留县| 万载县| 巨野县| 松桃| 高青县| 赫章县| 兰坪| 沈阳市| 喜德县| 谷城县| 湖州市| 雷山县| 逊克县| 沂南县| 永和县| 双流县| 盘锦市| 石城县| 察哈| 临清市| 丰台区| 乐山市| 阿拉善盟| 宜黄县| 双柏县| 潞西市| 油尖旺区| 项城市| 纳雍县| 宣汉县| 北碚区| 天镇县| 枣强县| 确山县| 清远市| 嘉兴市| 雷州市| 牡丹江市| 铁岭县| 平阴县| 景谷|